The bursaries have been awardes to:

Laura Martín González (Universitat de les Illes Balears), with the Conference Intertextualitat, diàleg i crítica en l'obra de Paula Rego

Daisy Towers (University of Leeds), with the Conference The Renarration of Mercè Rodoreda: Translating Female Voices of the Spanish Civil War from Catalan into English

Begoña Garrido (University of Reading), with the Conference The construction of the gender official discourse during the primer franquismo: between censorship and dirigisme

Louise Evans ( University of Liverpool), with the Conference  Self-expression in (cyber)space: the politics of Authorship and literary fame in Instapoesía

The Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies is offering four postgraduate student bursaries for those who participate only in-person.

Successful applicants will have the conference fee waved for the forthcoming ACIS Conference at FLUP – Universidade do Porto, 6-8 September 2023.

These bursaries are available to postgraduate students whose research is related to an area of interest to ACIS members (see above Guidelines for Papers), and who are willing to offer a paper at the 2022 Conference. ACIS aims in this way to encourage postgraduate students to participate in the Association, which is concerned with the study of social, political and economic aspects of the Iberian area, as well as its languages and cultures.

N.B. These bursaries are intended for postgraduate students who are not in full-time or fractional academic posts; students who are employed to undertake small amounts of part-time teaching (less than 0.5 FTE timetable) will be eligible.

Applications should be made to the ACIS 2023 Conference Convenors Dr Carla Sequeira and Dr Joana Lencart at the email address: using the form below.

The completed application form must be accompanied by a supporting reference from the applicant’s supervisor; the reference is needed to help the Conference Convenor and ACIS Executive Committee decide which applications will be of most interest and value, and of sufficient quality to be included in the Conference programme.

Successful applicants will receive a conference fee waiver but please note that travel expenses and accommodation will not be covered by the bursary.

Successful applicants will also be invited to submit papers for consideration for publication in the International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS), on the understanding that publication is not guaranteed, as this is a refereed journal.

Final date for applications will be SUNDAY, 16th April 2023

© 2022-2023 Carla Sequeira & Joana Lencart

© 2022 Photo credits Chica Miranda Fialho

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